welcome to the journal

this is where we tell stories, share memories, and keep the love alive.

Branding, Lifestyle

Girl Bosses & Growing Teams with Married And Social

When I first met Chrisanta of Married And Social, I was second shooting, and she was creating content for a wedding. Within a year, she was married, went full time, and now has two associates under her wing! Talk about a girl boss! When Chrisanta reached out to me about taking photos for her growing team, I was ecstatic! We looked at a few studios, but ultimately fell in love with the vibe of The Newburyport Studio. The clean walls, simple decor, and professional atmosphere was everything we needed. Chrisanta also brought a beautifully decorated (and delicious!) cake by United Cakes Bakery. Talk about a sweet surprise!

Thank you Chrisanta, Sasha, and Amber for allowing me to capture these special images. I can’t wait to see the beautiful weddings you get to be a part of in the coming years!

Lifestyle, Personal

The Endless Summer

I called this post The Endless Summer, but the truth is that it’s so far from that. It’s ending way to fast. I only wish with all my heart that it wasn’t. This summer was somewhat unexpected. My cousins from Arizona visited and stayed with us for two whole months! We usually only see them once a year, or every other year if they can’t come down for Christmas. In the time they were here we tried to do everything. We went to Newport, went paddle boarding, ate ice cream, had Boston days, watched movies, played games, went up to Maine, went to the beach, etc…it was truly a summer that I never wanted to end.

My cousins went back to Arizona the other day, so I’ve been looking at the pictures of their time here. I sent in 5 rolls of film to Indie Film Lab and the scans recently came in. I love the photos. Some (ok, most) are blurry, but regardless, they bring me right back to the moment. This is the reason I take photos. Pictures are how I interact with the world, interact with my memories, and interact with my future self.

Until next time, cousins. Boston will be here waiting.

Family, Lifestyle

Apple Picking in New England

Apple picking in New England is a right of passage. When fall rolls around, New England is transformed into an autumn wonderland. The leaves display lovely shades of reds, oranges, and yellows, you start to see pumpkins on the doorsteps of houses, and everything and anything becomes pumpkin spice.

However, one of my favorite things is apple picking. Every fall we go apple picking at Tougas Farm in Massachusetts. There’s something special about New England apple orchards in the fall. It’s not necessarily about just picking apples, but it’s the experience of going to the farm.

My first visit to Tougas this year was with my cousin, Josh, his wife, Jordyn, and their daughter, Evelyn. While Josh grew up in Massachusetts, his family currently lives in Colorado. This made our visit extra exciting, because Evelyn had never been to an apple orchard! When we entered Tougas, the smells of fall filled the air-specifically, fresh apple cider donuts. That was the moment I truly felt like fall had arrived. And what better way than to experience that with family!?

What’s your favorite type of apple?



Family, Lifestyle

At Home with the Wilson’s

When I walked into the Wilson’s apartment, I was immediately welcomed with love, laughter, and light. Emma, Sam, and puppy Penelope, have created an aesthetic and warm home. However messy it may be sometimes (as Emma was telling me), it does clean up nice. Neutral decorative pieces create a simple backdrop daily activities, and honestly are just inspiring to wake up to. The old mill turned apartment features exposed brick and high ceilings allow the sunlight from the tall windows to flood in and fill the home. It was my honor to capture Emma, Sam, and Penelope in the space that they have made home.

Every season comes with special memories and milestones. If you want to preserve these special moments, and look back with love and laughter for years to come – send me a message! Let’s make some magic.



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rachael shek photography | all rights reserved | brand + site by honeythorn designs







rachael shek photography | all rights reserved | brand + site by honeythorn designs